Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lessons Learned

The weeks seem to be just flying by. A lot of little victories have occurred since I last wrote, particularly training-wise.  I had my first century, as well as a series of really strong rides with guys from the Scholar's Inn Bakehouse Team. Health wise I have lost a fair amount of weight (15lbs since end of July actually) and am down to 120 lbs. While it makes it even harder to keep up with the guys on the downhills, I can already tell I am climbing better and generally faster.

Over the past few weeks I have learned a lot though, from my teammates, my coach and myself. A few of the lessons have been small, but it has very much re-enforced my drive and focus.

1. Talk about your goals. Big and small.
A goal, no matter how small is an important steppingstone towards greater things, and keeping them inside yourself is almost like cheating. You lose the accountability that comes from having others know what you want.  My goals coming into the fall were focused mostly around Collegiate Nationals, as well as working towards a Category 2 upgrade.

2. Sometimes rest is more important than training.
A few weeks ago I was supposed to do my century, but I came down with an annoying cold. As much as I didn't want to agree with it, I knew my coach was right when he said it was in my best interest not to do the century that weekend. I got better much faster, and was fortunate enough to attempt it a few weekends later.

3. Never give up. Ever.
Two years ago I was told by my orthopedic surgeon that there was a possibility that I would never ride again due to a problem with my knee. Last Sunday I rode 100 miles, today I did 60 with over a 17.8 average. Enough said.

4. Ask questions.
Local pros have been showing up to our team rides lately and I have been able to learn a lot just from asking them about their experiences, as well as from my team director and fellow riders. Curiosity never hurt anyone.... much.

5. Things that are worth it are rarely easy.
I know what my goals are, and I know what I want more than anything. Juggling Graduate School, 15 hours of riding, and 15 hours of work as well as writing workout plans for 8 girls on a Little 500 team does not make anything easy. Friday and Saturday nights often find me going to bed early, and the majority of my socialization occurs on a bike. I've had friends call me crazy, and maybe I am but honestly right now this is worth it to me.

Anyways. Just a few things that have been drilled into my head lately. Hope you enjoyed my ramblings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Really proud of your performance today! I remember looking up on one of the climbs and seeing you on the front!
