Emma and Ashton, best riding partners ever.
Bonnie working her way up the backside of Hindustan
Saturday we took the Cru team out for a rough ride, the wind took a toll on everyone. It was a day for a lot of tough love with the rookies. I was happy to catch three guys from the Cutters who pretty much pulled the group in and provided some amusement to keep minds off the wind. I then headed back out for a Bakehouse ride, getting lost along the way and doing a couple of miles on gravel roads.
You know you're lost when suddenly there is only gravel in front of you...
Sunday I left with the Bakehouse team and although I hung on through the first few surges, I got dropped on the run out of the causeway. I was in for a long three hours out to the end of 446 and back. The weather was nice, but the quiet and the ever present wind was taking a toll.
It was in that moment that I passed the first group of riders that had turned around, a teammate Cameron shouted some encouragement, and maybe twenty minutes later the same happened when I passed the second group of riders. Finally, on my way back into town I passed an old friend who shouted "Keep going Palmer" or something to that effect. According to him I don't smile enough when I ride.
As I rolled back into town I realized how lucky I am to be riding in Bloomington, and how lucky I am to receive encouragement out on the road. A lot of people who ride as much as I have been lately are relegated to long hours alone, and while I do my fair share of that, there are always people around, encouraging me. I am blessed by three amazing teams, and over a hundred local cyclists. They've pushed me up hills, encouraged me to keep going, and have provided joy when the long hours on the bike become a little too much.
Anyways, this is rambling, as per usual. But long story short, this life would kill me if I didn't have you. So I guess what I am trying to say is, thank you.
You're welcome! And, thank you!